Pinecone Healing



I do not diagnose or treat disease and I am not a licensed counselor, therapist or physician. Your participation and experience is subject to your own personal interpretation. These sessions are not a substitute for diagnosis or treatment from a qualified health practitioner for illnesses, injuries or other medical conditions. The clients and students receiving the services or coursework is responsible for all their own choices and/ or actions.  My services are not licensed by the State of Oregon.


Lindsay Blodgett reserves the right to cancel and or reschedule a session. Lindsay Blodgett also has the right to refuse clients who are abusive, non-paying, harassing, late, disrespectful, threatening, and or offensive.

Late Arrival

All appointments will end at the scheduled time and late arrival may result in a shortened session. If you exceed the 15 minute grace period, you may be charged for the full session.


To avoid being charged the full amount of the session, please give at least 24 hour notice if you need to cancel.

Confidentiality and Clients Rights

1.)  Your confidential personal file is kept in a secure location. Your file will be retained for 2 years after you suspend services then it will be destroyed in a proper manner.

2.)  You have the right to discontinue services.

3.)  The discussion between the practitioner and the client is confidential. I make every effort to ensure your comfort, safety and to protect your privacy.

4.)  Your confidentiality is always subject to the usual exclusions dictated by Oregon State and Federal laws and regulations. In certain circumstances, I am required by law to release your personal records.

These are as followed:

  •     Subpoenaed by a court of law
  •     First hand witness of child abuse (under the age of 18)
  •     Client request for release of records